24. August 2021.
Opis (tag)
EPR in Croatia (packaging, WEEE, B&A,…)

Directive 2008/98/EC on waste, states general requirements regarding extended producer responsibility.

In order to strengthen the re-use and the prevention, recycling and other recovery of waste, EU enabled Member States to prescribe measures to ensure that any natural or legal person who professionally develops, manufactures, processes, treats, sells or imports products (producer of the product) has extended producer responsibility.

In Republic of Croatia in force is the Waste Management Act (OG 84/2021), which prescribes that the producer of the product from which the waste is generated, ie the producer of the waste, bears the costs of managing that waste. In doing so, the principles of environmental protection are respected and are prescribed by law.

Croatia has also established a system for the management of special categories of waste, managed by the Fund for Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency.

Special waste categories include:
Packaging waste
Electrical and electronic waste
Waste tires
Waste oils
Waste vehicles
Waste batteries and accumulators
Waste containing asbestos
Other special categories of waste

Interseroh d.o.o. for foreign companies checks obligations, consults and fulfills obligations in clients name to the Fund.

For example – a webshop that delivers to the Republic of Croatia also have obligations, but even 2 webshops don’t have to have the same obligations.

Liabilities vary depending on the specific category of waste, but also depending on the amount placed on the market – e.g. a producer who places a quantity of packaging less than the prescribed limit values on the Croatian market is obliged to report annually, while producers who place a larger quantity of packaging on the market are obliged to make quarterly applications of packaging placed on the market and paying the associated fees.

If you are looking for an authorized representative for EPR in the Republic of Croatia or you are not sure whether you have obligations in the Republic of Croatia and what they are – contact Interseroh d.o.o.

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Did you come across any irregularities in the text?
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Photo by Nataliya Vaitkevich from Pexels

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